Do You Know These Summertime Asthma Triggers?

your child has asthma then it is important to be aware of all of the triggers that could set off an attack. Some of these can be easy to overlook because you only have to think of them at certain times of the year. For example, there are several summertime asthma triggers that your respiratory paediatrician wants you to remember during the warmest part of the year.

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Could You Perform CPR on a Baby?

All parents learn how to handle coughs, colds and minor injuries, but our first aid skills often stop there. We might not be sure what to do in a real emergency, especially when a child is having trouble breathing or needs CPR. You can’t always wait for the ambulance or an appointment with your respiratory paediatrician. Learning CPR could enable you to save a life.

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Are Second Hand Toys Safe for Your Child?

Buying or borrowing old toys, clothes and other essentials for your baby can be a great way to save money, reduce your environmental impact or refresh memories of your own childhood. However, your private paediatrician in London wants to remind you that it is important to be aware of the health risks that can be associated with some older items. Most parents are aware that it is not a good idea to use an old mattress or car seat, but recent research has reminded us that older toys can also be hazardous. Continue reading Are Second Hand Toys Safe for Your Child?

Can Children Be Affected by Restless Leg Syndrome?

Restless leg syndrome often causes sleep problems in adults, but it can affect children too. The symptoms can be slightly trickier to spot in younger children as they are easy to confuse with growing pains. However, the condition can be diagnosed by a doctor and treated just as successfully as other sleep disorders in children. Continue reading Can Children Be Affected by Restless Leg Syndrome?