Coronavirus & Your Respiratory System

The current strain of coronavirus (Covid-19) was first discovered in Wuhan, China towards the end of 2019. Since then, many thousands of people across the world have caught the virus, and Scientists have been carefully observing common symptoms and how the virus can impact the respiratory and immune system, to better understand its exact pathology.

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Winter Wellness for Children

Winter can be a tough time of year, especially when you have young children who are picking up all the coughs and colds going around at school or nursery. Although it’s impossible to defeat viral infections completely there are some steps you can take to ensure that your family has the best chances of staying well this winter.

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Winter and Asthma

Asthma can be very sensitive to environmental changes so it is common for symptoms to flare up when the seasons change. Some children have worse symptoms over the summer as a result of pollen allergies but for others asthma can get worse during the winter.

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Why is my child’s breathing so Noisy

Noisy breathing is very common in children. It usually happens when there is some kind of blockage or narrowing of the airways. The most common cause of this is a cold, which will often cause snuffling or wheezing sounds. If it only happens occasionally, when your child has a blocked nose, then noisy breathing isn’t usually anything to worry about. However, if it happens often, isn’t linked to a cold, or sounds very bad then you should see a doctor. Noisy breathing can sometimes be a sign of something more serious in children.

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Should I Be Concerned About My Baby’s Wheezing?

Wheezing is a whistling or rattling sound that happens while breathing in or out. It is very common for babies and young children to wheeze occasionally, for example when they have a cold. However, it can sometimes be a sign of a more serious condition such as asthma. When should you be concerned about your baby’s wheezing?

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